Wistful Reflections of Antarctica

It’s been hard to put into words a final entry wrapping up what I learned and experienced and otherwise savor from my little journey to a slice of Antarctica. Not just because business has taken over my “normal” life back in the northern hemisphere. But also because I’ve been so wistful, and maybe resisting the fact that I’m so far away now. Which is to say Antarctica—in particular Palmer Station, its human and non-human residents, and the majestic vastness and personality of its landscape, stoke my heart.
I’ll let photos do most of the talking (a few here, but more are in the photo gallery on my website). You can also read several science stories/blog entries I wrote for OnEarth magazine, at www.onearth.org/author/smoran.
A few memories and reflections:
* Yes, I did take the “polar plunge” into the 31-degrees F Southern Ocean one night, after asking whether anyone had ever died or suffered a heart attack from jumping in (“no” and “no”). It sucked the air right out of me. I never would have done it if not for the outdoor hot tub we all jumped in right after.